Sciatica exercises are one of the most effective ways of reducing sciatic nerve pain. Lumbar hernia, calcification, spinal stenosis, low back slippage, priformis syndrome conditions cause pain by compressing the sciatic nerve. This pain is usually pricking, flammable, sometimes gives the feeling of electro shock. Hip, waist, leg side, knee from the back to the ankle can extend.
If you do the exercises regularly in our mobile application, your sciatica pain will decrease. Exercises for hernia, exercise for low back pain and exercises for priformis stretching are similar to sciatic exercises. It is enough to make these movements as 20 minutes 2 days a week.
Performing these exercises regularly helps to heal the following conditions: Lumbar hernia, leg pain, low back pain, priformis syndrome, L4-L5 disc herniation, posture disorder, sciatic pain.